Divergent Physical Therapy & Wellness

your body. your care. your way.

Dr. Henry Curme holds his 2 month old infant

Dr. Henry is back!

Dr. Henry Curme, DPT is back from paternity leave and ready to help patients feel more comfortable and in control in their bodies.

To book, click the BOOK NOW button or call/text (360) 312-4901.

Dr. Henry Curme, PT, DPT poses in a red sweater

Meet Dr. Curme

Check out our quick interview with Dr. Curme and get to know your physical therapist!

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The office front desk with mural in the background and text "Now accepting self/cash payment patients"

New Insurances Accepted!

We are now accepting Regence BlueShield, HMA, Medicare, select Medicare Advantage plans, L & I, and Community Health Plan of Washington.

We specialize in high-quality, accessible, and compassionate care by treating each patient as an individual with diverse backgrounds, experiences, needs, and goals that shape how they interact with their environment and inform their personal movement journey.

“I didn’t know PT could help with that!”

We hear this all the time.

The truth is, licensed Doctors of Physical Therapy can help with a wide variety of treatments and conditions, including injury recovery and prevention, post-surgical recovery, chronic pain, neural tension, assisted stretching, fitness and functional movement, and more. Not sure if we can help with that? Just ask!

The best part? If physical therapy can’t help you, we can and must refer you to a more appropriate provider. So, why not start here?


COVID-19 Precautions

A drawing of a face mask with text that reads "Masked Up, Vaxxed up"

Thank you for helping us keep our community safe and healthy!

What We're Doing:

- All staff are fully-vaccinated against COVID-19
- HVAC system runs throughout the day to exchange the air
- All surfaces wiped with cleaner after each appointment
- Complimentary coffee and tea service is on hold
- Our sensory waiting room is also on hold

What We Ask of Our Patients:
- Please use the provided hand sanitizer or wash your hands in the bathroom frequently to prevent the spread of germs
- If you are feeling unwell, please let us know ASAP so we can reschedule your appointment.

Please Note: Masks are no longer required in Outpatient Clinics; however, we reserve the right to reinstate our own mask policy as necessary to respond to the public health crisis. Thank you for understanding.


You've probably heard of patient-centered care before, but let us show you what person-centered care means to us!‍

We want to get to know you, not just your pain. Our motto when it comes to treatment is "what you need, when you need it." If you want to be challenged, we can do that. If you want to take it at your own pace, we can do that too.

Not into the home exercises? You will never be shamed for being honest about the exercise that you have or have not done. 

Not to mention, if we’re really listening, any reason that you want to avoid exercise is usually an important clue in your recovery!

Guided by
Evidence & Empathy

We blend evidence-based care and the latest modalities with tried-and-true manual techniques and active listening to achieve real results.

Did you know that, in most cases, you do not need a physician's referral to receive physical therapy treatment? Our Physical Therapists are trained in diagnosis, prognosis, and designing, implementing, evaluating, and modifying plans of therapeutic intervention that meet the individual needs of each patient.

Our practitioners stay up-to-date with the latest studies, and we're always looking to expand our skills. If for some reason we can't help you improve, we'll help connect you with someone who can.

Curated for
Comfort and Care

Can we be real for a minute? Seeking medical care can be stressful! There's a reason why "white coat hypertension" exists.

At Divergent, we recognize the important role that patient comfort and confidence plays in the success of a treatment plan. We are here for healing. And we believe that comfort, compassion, and trust are essential to that goal.

Let us curate a positive treatment experience that helps you relax, recover, and reach for new heights. We invite our patients to curate their own sessions with playlist preferences, room lighting options, and more.

Interested in a quiet mode? There’s an option for that too.

"Patient testimonial text will go here!"

- Patient first name

"Patient testimonial text will go here!"

- Patient first name
A play symbol

Take the first step toward something more.